Perfect Nude Pumps, Styled for Winter

Nine West Nude Pumps Martina


Nine West Nude Pumps, Styled

I believe that shades of nude are absolutely essential in two specific areas of a woman's wardrobe: lingerie drawer & shoe closet. Possibly in the coat department too. Everywhere else, well, you'll just look naked. I love nude heels, especially pumps, along with all the perks that come with them (longer looking legs, among the bunch!). The secret is to finding your actual shade of “nude” in order to play matchy-matchy with your skin tone. And I finally found an affordable skin tone match for moi, in these perfect nude pumps!

Interested? Read on…


Could these Hairy Heels be the Ugliest Shoes Ever?

Ugliest Shoes Ever - Hairy Shoes

 hairy heels ugliest shoes ever

A little shock to the eyes on a Friday does a body good, does it not? Well, lucky for you all, I might have spotted the ugliest shoes ever in this pair of flesh-like hairy shoes. Talk about a FANtastic Freak-Shoe Friday feature, bwahahaha! Might I mention that these pumps, named “Babe” (for extra creepiness, surely) are made of actual human hair? But there's a reason these are far less frightful to me than those furry Guccis or freaky shoes from the designer runways. Let me explain…


Top Shoe of 2014: Stuart Weitzman Nudist Sandals!

Stuart Weitzman Nudist Sandals in Beige

Oh, the ubiquitous Stuart Weitzman Nudist! It's minimal, it's sleek & it's the best shoe to wear not to distract from a fancy-schmancy gown or a particularly ornate outfit.