TRAGIC! Brian Atwood graces a Freak-Shoe Friday post yet again. Say it ain't so? Sadly I cannot 🙁
I've seen many boots & shoes that needed some, but never have I seen a dainty stiletto that needed landscaping. Why Atwood decided to add on some messy stray feathers to what would have actually been gorgeous pink stiletto, is rather baffling. These also come in leopard print. Yep, Yikes 😮
This must surely be another case of “designers under the influence” (maybe I should start a weekly feature titled just that!). So take note, people in the shoe industry: don't drink & design!
That is all.
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xo ShoeTease
Cristina is the chief editor & shoe expert at ShoeTease. As a seasoned stylist and women's fashion & shoe designer with over 20 years of experience, Cristina's here to guide you on your fashion journey! Learn more.
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