Freaky or Fantastic? Colorful Dolce&Gabbana Pom Pom Boots

Colorful Dolce&Gabbana Pom Pom boots

With a vast array of color & embellishment (mirror cabuchons, rhinestones, gold trim, glitter etc etc), there's not doubt that this adorned Dolce&Gabbana shoe bonanza is one of the most over-the-top & colorful pom pom boots, or shoes, I've ever laid eyes on. At least for Fall 2016, anyhow! And what a perfect Freak-Shoe Friday pick right now, being it's Toronto Fashion Week & all?


Could these Hairy Heels be the Ugliest Shoes Ever?

Ugliest Shoes Ever - Hairy Shoes

 hairy heels ugliest shoes ever

A little shock to the eyes on a Friday does a body good, does it not? Well, lucky for you all, I might have spotted the ugliest shoes ever in this pair of flesh-like hairy shoes. Talk about a FANtastic Freak-Shoe Friday feature, bwahahaha! Might I mention that these pumps, named “Babe” (for extra creepiness, surely) are made of actual human hair? But there's a reason these are far less frightful to me than those furry Guccis or freaky shoes from the designer runways. Let me explain…


Freak Shoe Friday: Bubblegum Pink Platform Sandals

ugly pink platform sandals

bubblegum pink platform sandals

Freaky Bubblegum Pink Platform from Zooshoo

As I said in my last ugly shoes post on the runways' ugliest Fall 2015 shoes, I used to fill my blog on a quasi weekly basis with a freakish shoe that I either found 1) fascinating or 2) absolutely terrifying. I so lovingly dubbed these my “Freak Shoe Friday” shoe instalments. I was never too nice & I said exactly how I felt about a particular style. I held nothing back. My friends, both “real” & virtual alike kind of loved them. And then I unwittingly tapered them away. Things are about to change…


The Ugliest Shoes from the Fall 2015 Runways

 WARNING! The following images may offend most humans & certain animals.

Most of us peek at runway photos from the world's most fashionable cities in search of shoes trends & fashion inspiration for the upcoming seasons. But have you ever found yourself somewhat miffed to utterly appalled at the ugly shoes certain designers have in store for us? Well, folks, this season is no exception. And from the responses to my Fall 2015 Shoe Trends post, you certainly feel more baffled than anything! Riddled with what both you & I deem to be a slew of offensive footwear, I present you with the 10 ugliest shoes from the Fall 2015 runways. Just hit “Read More” at your own risk, kay?!


Friday WTF – Adidas Stan Smith Wedge Sneakers

Adidas Stan Smith wedge

Adidas Stan Smith wedges

Adidas Stan Smith sneakers are all the rage this Spring & are the hands down, no contest fashion blogger favorite. I wore them when I was 12. These sneakers are still the bomb. So you can only imagine my horror when this ghastly Adidas Stan Smith wedge popped up on my screen, during what I can normally describe as a pleasurable online shopping experience at Hudson's Bay.


6 Ugly Boots – It’s no Surprise they’re on Clearance!

Ugly Boots on Sale

Ugly Boots on Sale

It's been a while since I've written a Freaky Shoes post. But I think I'm making up for it by showing off 6 particularly ugly boots that I found in the clearance section of a couple online retailers. These are designer boots, btw, so even the more shameful. Not their best designs, surely. Apparently they're having trouble selling these monstrosities. Coincidence? I think not!


5 Reasons Karl’s Black Sandals Might as well be Designer Crocs!

Ugly Shoes Designer Crocs

When I come across ugly shoes, it makes me sad. When my eyes cross paths with ugly designer shoes (such as these black plastic “Glove” pumps by Karl Lagerfeld for Melissa) it just makes me weep. Quite literally. And even more so in this case, because this particular black footwear atrocity bears a striking resemblance to Crocs (if you're unfamiliar with the mind-numbing gardening sandal sensation, please see the image below).