Freak-Shoe Friday: Sandcastle Feet

Igor Dewe's sand casle penis shoes

Now get yer minds out of the gutter, people! These are sandcastle shoes, not penis branch shoes. Geez. Not that this makes 'em any less weird, mind you (although if phallus footwear is what your after, you might want to skip to this post).


Freak-Shoe Friday: Ride my Stiletto?!

A friend sent me this funny image yesterday, of a worker test driving a stiletto-shaped “car” on a road in Hyderabad, India.


Freak-Shoe Friday: A Silk Tease

Oh dear. Now I could go on a redundancy rant here & mock this pump‘s form, giggle at the bulky platform & ridicule the blockiness of the color blocking, but we can see this all for ourselves, now can’t we?

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