So if you read last week's post, you should now be completely schooled on what a shoefie is (& what it certainly is not!). So it's time to move on & talk about shoefie perspective. A
KA: how to take pictures of shoes on feet, yourself!
Today I'm going to tell you the 5 best ways you can take a shoefie. And yes, these 5 shoefies are ways of taking pictures of your feet with shoes on, that you can do yourself.
This is of course presuming that you are not a contortionist. If so, I'll need to cater a specific shoefie shoe blog post just for you, because I don't think 5 shoefie angles would cut it!
How to Take Pictures of Shoes on Feet with a Shoefie
1. Shoefie from Above (#Viewfromabove)

What can only be described as the “classic” way of how take pictures of shoes on feet. This famous shoefie perspective, I present you with the #viewfromabove.
I'm sure you've seen this a zillion times before. Yes, photographing your shoes from above is the most popular way for you to take a photo of you, wearing your (hopefully!) fabulous shoes.
This shoefie usually incorporates the shoes & ankles only, like the image of me & my tassel loafers above. Luckily, it requires little to minimal effort on your part AND this particular view never gets boring. Unless of course, your shoes start to!
The #viewfromabove angle can be separated into 2 sub categories, accounting for #2 and #3 on my list of how to take pictures of shoes on feet.
2. Pictures of shoes on feet while Standing #Fromwhereistand

Just as it reads, this type of shoefie is taken from above while standing. It also can be hashtagged #viewfromabove.
What differentiates this shoefie angle from the first, is that more than just your shoes & ankles are showing.
Often, most of your outfit is too. Although some would argue that this is in fact an outfit selfie, as long a your shoes are the main focus, then it is a shoefie, just not your standard one!
Hot Tip: Simply put your feet together (toes angled together or straight out), either positioning your device parallel to the floor to capture below the knees, or angled downwards to include more of your outfit.
Simply click the shutter button & you have yourself a #fromwhereistand hashtag worthy shoefie pic! Want to capture your body from lips to toes? You'll need a selfie-stick or have really long arms for that!
3. How to Take Picture of Shoes on Feet while Sitting
Slightly more time consuming & not as easy to take, is the shoefie captured from above while sitting. So many ways to sit, though, that it never gets boring! These are my top 3 #fromwhereisit ways to take a shoefie:
a) Sitting on Floor

You can either separate your knees like you're about to sit cross-legged (like above). Or you can sit with both knees to one side to show the inner & portion of your shoes.
A popular sitting shoefie pic involves keeping one leg stretched out in front & the other one crossed either over or under the extended leg's knee. Just as @fashionedchicstyling does so well.
Hot Tip: This works best, of course, with heels, as the shot highlights that important footwear feature!
b) Sitting on a Chair

Sitting on a stool or a chair, you can either keep your feet straight down, so the picture captures the top of the shoes, or cross your ankles & turn your foot to show off any important design elements.
Just like I did when trying on my Asics sneakers, above.
Hot Tip: You can use your heels to angle your feet as inwards (towards you) as you see fit.
c) Sitting on Stairs

This is a great point of view, because not only do you get a great shot of your shoes from above, but you'll also capture part your incredible outfit, giving the shot more styling interest.
In addition, if you shoot outdoors, you get all the benefit that natural light has to offer. The stairs themselves add a nice linear quality to the mix.
Hot Tip: This #fromwhereisit shoefie position is best for flats with interesting uppers, like my metallic rose gold Birkenstocks, above.
Make sure the stairs are parallel to the top & bottom of the picture, so the image itself appears levelled & balanced.
4. Picture of Shoes on Feet in the Air #Viewfrombelow

This is probably my favorite angle to shoot a shoefie from. It's the most original as it's rather uncommon. Why?
Because it's possibly the most difficult shoefie shot to take, especially when wearing high heels. Of course, #viewfrombelow shoefies work better with high heels!
So if you're able to take a great shot from below (especially on a white or interesting landscape background) you're likely to get far more, well, likes, than by using the more common #viewfromabove angles.
Hot Tip: Be sure to either cross your legs & let at least one high heel show. Seeing the heel itself, along with the shoe's upper, allows for a more interesting photo.
Like the gladiator shoefie above, you can see the intricate, tight lacing of the upper, but also the shape & height of the heel.
5. Picture of feet in Shoes – Sideways Angle

Sitting or standing, taking a shoefie from a side angle is always a fun, unexpected shoefie twist!
This is essentially when you stand at an angle, but instead of taking the shot directly above you take it lower & to the side.
When done well this shoefie perspective can actually look like someone else has taken the picture. But even so, if you're the one who took the pic, then a shoefie it still remains!
Works great when capturing a reflection of your shoes in a mirror too (just a little trickier!)
Hot Tip: You can point one toe to maximize your high heels.
Final Words on How to Take Picture of Shoes on Feet

Of course, only someone like me could make a quasi-academic analysis out of how to take pictures of shoes on feet! I mean, there are so many ways to take a shoefie, but the 5 poses above, are my favorites!
Yes, I do love taking pictures of my own shoes, what can I say!? Call me shoefie obsessed all you want…I don't mind. In the words of Sophia Amoruso, I'll let my “freak flag” proudly fly, thank you very much!
Follow @shoetease on Instagram for a continuous flow of (mostly!) shoefies 🙂
xo ShoeTease
Cristina is the chief editor & shoe expert at ShoeTease. As a seasoned stylist and women's fashion & shoe designer with over 20 years of experience, Cristina's here to guide you on your fashion journey! Learn more.
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I have only done one shoefie from the up in the air perspective and it was so much harder than I thought it would be!
And the higher the heels the more difficult (but even better!) they look 🙂
xo Cristina
This was such a fun read! I recently took an “in the air” shoe shot on my instagram (@mwithakay). It definitely wasn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be at all.
Thanks Monika! Aren’t those pics so difficult to take (and that’s not even mentioning trying to keep the walls clean ha)?
xo Cristina
Love it! I love all your shoefies on your Instagram 🙂 xx
Tatyana x
Secret little Stars
Thanks sweets!! Love my shoefies (as you can tell lol!)
xo Cristina